800ml Eco Friendly Drink Bottle

Product Code: PR012880
Made in AustraliaBest Seller800ml Eco Friendly Drink Bottle

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800ml Eco Friendly Drink Bottles are made from sugar cane and reduce C02 emissions. Plantation sugar cane actually removes C02 from the atmosphere and replaces it with oxygen, so not only are you buying an eco friendly drink bottle, but as it is made from sugar cane fibre it is completely recyclable. Made in Australia and offering a full colour wrap print, if you want to show your concern for the environment, we believe these are the best drink bottles to buy.


Product Sizes

Capacity: 800ml

Print Area
  • Body: 210mm(w) x 80mm(h)
  • Collar: 220mm(w) x 25mm(h)
  • Colours


    The above colours & measurements are approximate & for guidance only

    Additional Info

    Additional Product Info

    1. Prices are subject to change at any time and without prior notice.
    2. Prices shown are based on the client supplying suitable artwork.
    3. Freight is additional to prices shown and will be charged at cost.

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