custom label bottled water

10 October, 2021

Custom Labelled Bottled Water For Promotional Use

One of the biggest sellers in the marketplace has to be custom labelled bottled water. So whether you are looking to give it away as a gift or to sell within your business, bottled water is in high demand and branding them with your logo or advertising message makes sense.

So why is bottled water so popular? There is a big push to ensure people stay hydrated, especially in Australia, where harsh conditions are. The easiest way for that to happen is for people to either have a drink bottle or a bottle of water handy. There are so many ways you can promote your business through giving away bottled water. Below are just a few ideas.

  1. If you are having a corporate run or activity day, give them to employees to rehydrate.

  2. Have bottled water at the office for both staff and clients who come in for meetings. There is nothing more impressive than giving a private labelled bottle to clients as they sit down.

  3. If you are sponsoring an outdoor event such as a music festival, have bottles of water handy for people to grab. You can do it on a ticket basis or perhaps just charge a nominal fee.

  4. Perfect for gyms to give to members as they work out.

  5. Travel groups on the road could give bottles to clients as they are travelling on the bus or train.

  6. Walking groups can give them to members before they venture out for the day.

  7. Sports clubs could have the bottles handy for members as they compete.

There are many applications, and the above is just a few. For example, you have a massive branding area that can be printed in full colour. You might even want to consider printing a QR code that engages people with your business. It could be informational or perhaps a way for them to enter a competition for other prizes.

Whichever way you look at it, you can’t go wrong using these as a promotional item for your business, club or sporting association. If you are unsure how you could fully utilise them, give us a call. We are always happy to chat about how to best use bottled water for a promotion.

The Drink Bottles Team